Innovation corner

There is always one more shot to solve the unsolved problem. Tinkering around, entering the unknown and starting over again is our approach to push the boundaries and create next level innovations. Stay tuned for PreonLab updates, new researches, groundbreaking innovation and upcoming events.

May 20, 2021
Jan Viher
Vehicle soiling phenomena can be a major safety hazard due to obstructed driver’s visibility of the road or abnormal operation of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). In this webinar you will learn how to address both challenges in a virtual testing environment early in the vehicle development process.    
May 05, 2021
Jens Cornelis and Markus Ihmsen
Get ready for the »NEXT LEVEL«. Join us to celebrate the release of PreonLab 5.0 and be the first to learn about the new features.  
July 30, 2020
Jan Viher
Vehicle water wading and rain water management are two of the main liquid-dominated vehicle body problems which, instead of performing high cost real-life experiments, can be simulated in a virtual environment. Addressing these challenges in a virtual environment requires in-depth engineering expertise and a powerful yet efficient computational tool. Virtual development provides additional insights and makes design variants possible early in the design cycle. During this webinar you will discover what makes AVL’s solution ideal for these kinds of engineering challenges, and how simulations can be a real alternative to testing.  
January 18, 2020
Markus Ihmsen
Do you want to develop your gearboxes faster and more cost-efficiently? Do you need to avoid unnecessary losses caused by the oil sump, optimize the lubrication of the bearings and improve the cooling concept? Then don’t miss this webinar.  
February 14, 2019
Alexander Oliva
Efficient and safe water management is an important aspect in the vehicle development process. Virtual prototyping greatly contributes in terms of design variations, shape optimization and wetting prevention.  
March 07, 2018
David Greif and Andrew Martin
Does this sound familiar to you – are you looking to optimize the design of the vehicle for water passage? Or would you like to optimize rain water evacuation in order to prevent corrosion and icing?